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Hair loss is one of the most common symptoms of pollution and lack of nutrition. With the growing pollution levels and the deterioration in the water conditions of our country, hair loss is becoming one common epidemic with both men and women alike. However, sometimes heredity and genetics also come into play where hair loss is concerned.

Everyone likes to look good...don’t you? Losing hair and a receding hairline can sometimes alter the person's appearance as well and their confidence in themselves. Increasing stress levels may lead to more stress and in turn more hair loss. This is where the doctors, who keep your appearance in mind, step in.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) hair transplantation is becoming one of the most common to tackle hair loss. This is one of the most cutting-edge technologies that have emerged for hair transplantation.


Why Platelets?

Platelets are small components of our bodies which have a robust growth capability. They are required in blood clotting, repairing the damage in the body and also to create stimuli in the hair follicle for hair growth. This helps the hair proliferate and helps in increasing the volume and thickness of the hair.


The Procedure

The PRP treatments do not require outside intervention. A small amount of blood is extracted out of your arm through a cannula, and then that is put through the centrifuge. In the centrifuge, the weak platelets are separated, and the active one is collected and made active. These platelets extracted from your own blood will be rich in bioactive proteins. This concentration of the blood is achieved when they put through the centrifuge.

In the latter half of the process, the PRP is activated and injected via small syringes into the scalp where the hair is thinning considerably. Results are fast to come by because you will find that your hair follicle has been activated and you will find an increased hair growth for the same. Nevertheless, this procedure needs from 6 – 8 sittings with the doctors for a duration of 30 to 45 minutes per session.


Who should get this done?

A little trivia, losing about a hundred strands of your precious hair is completely normal regarding hair loss. The good news that this amount of hair is replaced by the growth of new ones. So, all those fancy shampoos which persuade you otherwise are just, selling their wares. The problem arises when the hair loss starts ticking over 100 strands a day because that loss of your hair is not being replaced on a daily basis.

Hair loss in Humans can be acute (temporary) or chronic (permanent). So in the case of the acute hair loss, one gets back the hair in within three months. This loss might be due to hormone changes, stress levels and change in the environment, regular hair styling and no regular cleaning of the hair. Chronic one happens when you have a prolonged deficiency of some minerals, and this is your genes which are slowly causing the hair fall and loss. That is when baldness occurs as heredity. If you find that you have been hit by the second type of baldness, then its time to see a dermato – trichologist.

Since the PRP treatment entails the taking of your own blood and getting the platelets from the same, you have no fear of any outside elements being added. It is entirely non-surgical and the recovery time is much less as compared to other techniques for hair transplant. This procedure is also piggybacked with some additional medication to ensure that the treatment can work up to its strength.

Since the treatment is a medical one, one would have to consult the experts. The procedure can be performed on both male and female, the catchphrase here is that the person in question should be more than 18 years of age. Parental consent will be required for minors. People who are on blood thinners, pregnant women and breastfeeding women are not permitted to undergo this procedure.


The Cost

The average cost for this procedure would be Rs 7000 to Rs 10000 per session. This is cost effective and guarantees you good results of the same. So the cost of the hair transplant will be determined with the method that you are using for the same. Since there is no outside induction of drugs in the same.

In our busy lives, there is much at stake where it comes to our health and lifestyle. Sedentary and non-active lifestyles are the culprits for all what is bad in our bodies. Our bodies take a toll in the way we lead our lives. Hair fall is just one of the things that have an alarming influence on the confidence of a person. However, to overcome the fall one doesn’t have to do much, just walk into any click which is offering PRP treatments for the same. You will find your confidence return with the return of your hair growth.

PRP Therapy

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